Welcome To The La La Tigers blog

A glorious collection of musings from founder and MaMa TIger, Rachel Davis. Because perspective is everything.

On control, and security


We can only control ourselves in this moment. When external circumstances change, where does your sense of security come from? When we look outside of ourselves to stuff, status, jobs, partners, for our security and innner peace...what happens when those things are no longer there?

The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator


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What do you still need to let go of in 2022?


Did you reach your goals and intentions for this year? With just over 6 months of 2022 left, what do you want to let go of...to make room for the new? Are you parenting in the past, present, or future? What happens when you let go of expectations, or of negative stories...how do you feel?

When was the last time you were intentional about the story you're writing for yourself...or the story someone else wrote for you long ago, that you so deeply want  to flip the script for?

As we near the halfway mark, let's take this opportunity to revisit our intentions for the year, and remember that freshness that we wanted to manifest at the start.

Grab a pen and paper, give yourself the gift of time and space to watch and write down anything that comes uo for you. Let me know what you're letting go of, in order to live your own story!

The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical...

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Raising children who are honest kind and brave.


Connection, compassion, courage - I call this The Circle of Raar!
And as I teach in my programmes, it needs to be gone around first for yourself, to be a wholehearted human.

The biggest gift you give to your kids is the gift of self-awareness.

The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator

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Why Time-Outs Don't Work!


Do you use time-outs? In the West we're so often encouraged to use these, and to leave our children to cry...we can seem almost 'anti-child' in some ways!

The connection and relationship that you have with your child is central to their emotional and psychological wellbeing. The biggest gift you'll ever give your child is your presence and connection. 

The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator


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What we do not heal, we transfer to our children


One of the easiest ways to disconnect from pain is to disconnect from our bodies. Yet this leads to emotional dysregulation that can spiral out of control. Numbing behaviours show up in all sorts of ways, from substance addiction to scrolling addiction, from shopping to gambling to eating and more. Denial is one of the strongest things to break. 

What is required of us as adults is to model real self-care, so where do we begin when we're breaking the cycle of trauma and consciously learning this for ourselves?

Watch, and let me know what this brings up for you. 

The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator


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It's All Inside!


Of all the things you want for your children, happiness and confidence are always at the top of the list you tell me you wish for.

Enjoy this video from the archive! [12min watch, perfect with a cuppa].

As parents and early educators we have an amazing opportunity to guide the beliefs that children hold about themselves, that are formed on a 95% unconscious basis before the age of seven.

Parenting isn’t about mastering your child, it’s about mastering your mind. You don’t have a behaviour problem, you have a thinking problem…because we cannot control anybody else but ourselves. We’re in a relationSHIP, and the way that you change your ship is to change yourself.

Personal freedom involves doing things differently, thinking differently, feeling differently. Personal freedom takes courage. And it starts with changing your thinking. Everything starts with the inner work. Personal freedom starts by taking the journey within.

What cage are you...

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Thoughts Drive Feelings


Happiness...it doesn't come from stuff or external validation. It comes from inside. So how do we tap into, or generate it? Beliefs are the engines that drive thoughts, thoughts drive feelings and feelings drive behaviour.

The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator


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Fear of What Others Think Of Us


Fear of what other people think of us keeps us small, and can lead us to hide parts of ourselves or avoid taking steps towards the life we desire. It can lead us to perfectionism, or people-pleasing, and ultimately doesn't serve us. So, what is the antidote? Watch, and let me know what this brings up for you.


The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator


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What Your Children Need Is You

Step away from the shopping lists...what your children ened is *you*!

In amongst the hecticness of life, what your children need isn't more gifts or the internet, what they're screaming out for is your presence and your attention.

Simply...you, here in this moment, with them.

The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator


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Becoming The Change


You (yes, you!) have the opportunity to change the world around you, simply by being you and standing in your own power, love and truth. By doing this, you also teach your children. You show them the way to be true to themselves, and set those ripples in motion every day of their lives. I can teach you how.


Stop winging it - start Owning It!

How to start owning your shizzle, so you don't pass it on to your kids.

Thursday 10th March 11am GMT - 60 minutes

FREE live training for stressed out and overwhelmed parents of Under 7's, who want to reclaim their souls & raise awesome humans who know their worth.

Join my FREE webinar!

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!" - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator

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