Become the parent you want to be and raise a wholehearted and confident child with ...

The Art of Intentional Parenting

Starts Mon 26th April at 10am GMT

Can't join me live? I've got you covered. Replays every day. 

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Here's the skinny ...

Day 1 - Elevating Out of Overwhelm. The 10 signs you aren't being the parent you really want to be and how to 'become' the one you know you are ... underneath all the 'stuff.'

Day 2 - What Do You Really Want For Your Child? The non-negotiables for raising a wholehearted and confident child who understands their personal power.

Day 3 - It's All Inside. Challenging emotions & behaviour. The mental and emotional blocks that prevent both you and your children from living to your fullest expression.

Day 4 - From Fear to Fabulously FIERCE! How strong and confident people become that way. With my 3 step formula for helping you navigate any situation, with grace and ease. 

Day 5 - The Power of Music. To reach children where words fail, increase attachment, impact the subconscious mind and teach your child in a way that will stay with them forever. With free music workshop demonstration.

"It's literally the best thing I've ever done with my child!'

Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator


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Hey Babes!

I'm Rachel Davis

I'm the Founder of LaLa Tigers, a TEDx Speaker, Parent Transformation Coach, NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist , Songwriter and Mama of 2 gorgeous boys who inspire my life's work. 

And we have been to the very edge and back.

I now combine my experiences of personal transformation, mental & emotional health, parenting strategy and NLP with the incredible powers of music and love to help other parents own their awesome, and raise emotionally healthy children who are are brimming with confidence and self-belief. Children who know that they are enough.

Children who understand their power.

Children who are TIGERS!

And that my friend, starts with YOU!

Are you ready?

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