Welcome To The La La Tigers blog

A glorious collection of musings from founder and MaMa TIger, Rachel Davis. Because perspective is everything.

The courage to change your life

In this space we talk about mental health and emotional health, we talk about raising wholehearted children, we talk about the courage to change your life. I want to talk about the opportunity and the responsibility that you have as an adult, and as a parent, to shape your child’s mind, and to show them by your actions how to get courage and confidence. If any of you know any about the work that I do, I'm on a mission to impact a generation of children to live to their full potential, to become wholehearted, to help them have a childhood that perhaps they don't have to recover from as so many of us have to do as adults.  



How to change your life

The way I do that is a unique approach, so most of the work that I do is on the personal transformation and the undoing of the adult’s thought processes because when we change the way we think, we change the way we feel and that changes the way we behave. Then what I do is use increased attachment and...

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How to have a better relationship with your child

The number one driver for people coming into my process is normally they want to have a better relationship with their children, to bond with their children and be more present because they are so overwhelmed. If you are in my space I am assuming you do you also want a more present and connected relationship with your children. If you ask yourself why can I not bond with my child, that is ultimately going to be defined by the relationship that you have with yourself because we can only meet others at the depths to which we have met ourselves.



I'm going to explain just a basic premise of it with my Circle of Raar, it’s a virtuous circle, it goes round more than once and it keeps going round. We have connection, compassion and courage, this is the premise of how people become wholehearted. We start with connection, it goes round to compassion and it finishes with courage.  Now when I say this is a virtuous circle what I mean is that we have to go...

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How can I relax and enjoy parenting?

How can I relax and enjoy parenting?

Can you imagine what kind of world we could live in if every single time we were an observer of our thoughts and instead of choosing negative things we chose to think about joy, about acceptance, about love? Let's talk about procrastination, hands up who loves to procrastinate like me, like to the point I will do so many other things and I will literally start scheduling things into my diary when I have a really important deadline coming up? Do you do that...if so, why? Because we have a thought or belief system running in the background, “You’re not good enough, because that's not gonna be any good, you’re not gonna make it”, or when people laugh at us.



All of these stories, these thoughts that we are choosing to think, Now I know that we did not learn the gift of flight by thinking about sinking, you don't learn how to swim by thinking about drowning, am I right? Our brain has this real negative...

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Changing negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs


Change negative thoughts to positive 

Today I want to talk about negative patterns of thinking , our responsibility and choices. How to change negative thinking, blocks, and limiting beliefs and be a calm and happy parent, how to break bad habits without yelling. It’s about choice, it's something I’ve been digging into this week with my own growth. It blows my mind how many choices we have. The choices that we have, that we have the opportunity to get to make, the choices that we don’t get to make, and sometimes the choices we’re procrastinating on or avoiding.

What are the choices that I’m not taking, where are the opportunities that I have, what are the choices that I’m avoiding, and what’s going on with me underneath that? If you’ve been in my space for a while you’ll know I like to dig into things.

It’s always about the thoughts, and what thoughts do we sometimes not take responsibility for. I know that if...

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Why your integrity as a parent is everything.


Have you heard the phrase "If you stand for nothing you'll fall for everything"? Our children are trying to expand and grow, and it's our job to be the container that shows them how to be true to yourself, and how to have healthy boundaries in life.

It's our job as a 
parent to be clear on what we stand for, and what we will tolerate in life, as a model for our children of how to stand and respond in alignment with our values and have radical response-ability. 

It’s time to empower ourselves and our children, and be the change, don't you know?



The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator

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Installing the belief that you are worthy

Our belief systems (which drive our thoughts, which trigger emotions, that drive behaviour) are pretty much fully formed by the time of age seven. 

What if we flip the transformation and healing model around and start from birth?


What if we were being hugely intentional in order to create a lens that will create a positive self-image, and make sure that positive self-worth, positive self-belief is already installed?

That's why I work with parents of under-sevens, because this is where we have the most impact.


The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator

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Why Impatience Never Works


Anyone who pushes your buttons is your best teacher, they're showing you you don;t yet have mastery of self. 

Any energy that comes from impatience is never going to give you an outcome that you want in your life, or in your children. 

You can force your kids to do things, but those decisions made from impatienceare going to damage relationship and damage connection. They'll create negative feelings around those things you're trying to get them to do, and will create memories fro your children around those negative things. 

Childrens' emotional experiences are built into the architecture of their brain. It's why the things you remember the most are moments of complete joy, or stress and trauma, and mostly it's the traumatic moments that stick out for you.

It's our job as parents to give our children a childhood they don't need to recover from. 

Whe you make those decisions from an energy of impatience you're never going to end up with an outcome that you...

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Impatience steals the present


When we're stood in impatience, when we're in impatience, we're missing the most glorious opportunities in the present!
Those messy moments when you're trying to rush out of the door, they're all moments in your children's and your lives, that add up to the relationship. These early year moments and memories cannot be replaced, and believe me, you'll miss them when they're gone. 

You *can* find the connection in these moments instead...

The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator

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Raising children who are honest kind and brave.


Connection, compassion, courage - I call this The Circle of Raar!
And as I teach in my programmes, it needs to be gone around first for yourself, to be a wholehearted human.

The biggest gift you give to your kids is the gift of self-awareness.

The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator

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Why Time-Outs Don't Work!


Do you use time-outs? In the West we're so often encouraged to use these, and to leave our children to cry...we can seem almost 'anti-child' in some ways!

The connection and relationship that you have with your child is central to their emotional and psychological wellbeing. The biggest gift you'll ever give your child is your presence and connection. 

The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator


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