Welcome To The La La Tigers blog

A glorious collection of musings from founder and MaMa TIger, Rachel Davis. Because perspective is everything.

They Can't Lock Up Your Mind.

Just when you thought you couldn't get any more locked up, lockdown continues, right?  But they can't lock up your mind.  

Sometimes the things that are our greatest trials are our greatest teachers.  When we look back at the things that have shaped us the most, it is rarely the things that have gone easy, or well.  In fact it's the same reason that the Chinese symbol for crisis, is exactly the same as it is for opportunity.  Often a crisis can force us out of the sleepwalk that we have been in and wake us up to new ways of doings things that are more in alignment with who we want to be as a person and as a parent.

The thing is, how you experience life is based on how you choose to perceive it.  Your mind is a terrible master, but a wonderful slave and you have so much choice in how you choose to think.  So today you have a choice ... and it's a big one.

You can choose to carry on doing the same thing, being the same way and going round and...

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How lockdown will shape you

mental health wellbeing Apr 09, 2020

These experiences will shape you. They will show you resilience and courage you never knew existed. They will shape your child’s mind and their future. And the way that they view both themselves and the world. Tell them that this is an adventure, tell them that this is an opportunity. To see and do things differently. Because when you change the way you look at things, the things look at change. Yesterday somebody said to me that they wish things would go back to “normal” but frankly I can’t think of anything worse. Our planet was literally dying. Our consumerism was out of control. Mass food production as caused global issues, including forcing much food production into unsafe territory in many parts of the world and the consumption of animals has caused several dangerous viruses in the last few years. The lessons are there in black and white. It is time to pause. To rewrite a new ending. We hold an incredible opportunity to recreate our lives from scratch....

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The one thing you can do to become a better parent today.

Too many times I see mums giving their all at the expense of themselves. Self love is not a feeling, it's a behaviour and if you don't prioritise your own wellbeing and happiness, then the mothership is going down. You have to put your needs first before you can serve others.

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The effects of emotional and psychological abuse on parents and children

When most people think of abuse, they conjure up images of downtrodden women with black eyes, but in the majority of cases nothing could be further from the truth. Physical abuse is almost always accompanied by mental and emotional abuse, but on its own this type of abuse can be just as dangerous. In situations like this, which includes my own experiences, the victim is often already broken inside and has been for years before they have any idea what is going on. Or that they have been slowly and deliberately destroyed from the inside out, by the person they assumed was their best friend.

Interestingly, I have met many highly intelligent, empathic and independent men and women, who have been the victim of this kind of insidious abuse. This may because they present a bigger challenge, or the victim has something the narcissist or sociopath wants, such as image, status or money. Unfortunately many people go into this type of relationship believing that they have met their soul mate,...

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The power of the mind and the power of music. A killer combination.

If I asked you what you wanted for your child, I know you would want your child to be happy, but I also bet you would want them to believe in themselves.  But what is a belief and why are they so important?

Our belief’s are the very essence of who we are. They are the stories we tell ourselves about who we are, what we are capable of and who we think we're going to be. And these stores are planted in our minds in early childhood. Between the ages of 2 and 7, our children are in a hyper learning phase called the imprinting stage, which is  essential for our survival. Our brainwaves are in theta, which is much slower than when we are adults and it makes us highly suggestible, but it means that we are absorbing everything around us and accepting it as fact.  It's one of the reasons that childhood is so magical. We believe everything. But that’s the good stuff and the bad stuff.  This programme is then what we use on a largely unconscious basis, to run ...

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